Examples of Interest

Although open source communities seem to be similar in some cases, there are peculiarities that define their actual idiosyncrasy. Details such as selecting the code review tool may mean a significant change in the way this is analyzed. This also takes place in InnerSource projects.

Infrastructure is indeed a key part of the InnerSource process as this may force developers to work in a specific way. As an example, the OpenStack community uses Gerrit and forces developers willing to commit a piece of code to use this. This means that the community is 100% sure they are code-reviewing any piece of code into the baseline.

Thus, having the proper infrastructure helps to follow a pre-defined process, but this also helps to be more metrics-friendly as there is a clear workflow followed by any developer within the organization.

On the other hand, if the workflow is not well defined or if the development infrastructure allows to have work-arounds, this may lead to situations where shortcuts are usual, and developers and managers may get frustrated at some point.

Thus, having in mind those differences between two communities, inner source is not safe of this peculiarities, and any organization faces a list of potential issues when installing infrastructure, governance model, financial system and so on.

The following is a list of usual studies of interest in organizations applying InnerSource methodologies. This list is not intended to be an exhaustive one, but examples of how to approach and measure specific issues related to the usual goals in the InnerSource world. Part of these analysis are experiences coming from the open source world that could be useful when talking about InnerSource communities. These are communities and engaging new developers, retaining those, code review processes and others are common goals.

Mentorship and helping newcomers

This analysis is related to the centralization of the development and attracting and retaining new developers. When aiming at incrementing the number of participants in the InnerSource ecosystem, trusted committers and mentors are key in this new process. Trusted committers as they are the core reviewers of the project and well known developers. And those trusted committers may be the ones acting as mentors. Mentorship should help new developers to feel comfortable with the environment in the project, and for this, mentors will help new contributors in several ways: understand how to use the available infrastructure (Git repositories, mailing lists, code review process, etc). The mentor will provide pointers to the documentation and code guidelines. This role will also help in understanding how to contribute to that specific community. And finally, will review the piece of code pull-requested by a newcomer driving her around the needs for such change and potential requested updates to that piece of code.

And all of this information can be tracked. As InnerSource is fostering a transparent infrastructure to deal with all of the activities around the development of the product, those discussions are all open to anyone interested in. Thus, the mentorship analysis will help to understand who are those mentors, if those mentors are helping to reduce the time to review process as they give clear directions about how to proceed and the number of newcomers that come to the community. All of these are just examples of how to potentially track mentors activity and if such activity is actually helping in the InnerSource adoption within an organization.

This should be compared to previous stages of the software development process and improve the bottlenecks of activity when needed. A potential and usual issue raised in open source communities, but also within organizations is that the workload adequacy of the mentors and core reviewers is high and those are at some point the bottleneck in the code review process, what forces the community to bring more core reviewers.

It is also interesting to foster the creation of the mentors role even if they are not core reviewers of the community, as they can provide useful information to the newcomers. This role can be also seen as the community manager that facilitates the path of those interested in contributing.

Development Cycle

The study of the development cycle is related to the reduction of the time to market. This could be seen as a way to determine if the policies applied are actually decreasing the total time to develop a new feature, fix a bug and other actions. The goal of this analysis consists of understanding the total time from user stories to the merge into the source code repository.

This is important to understand the time that usually takes a new requirement to be implemented going through the design phase, implementation, code review process, continuous integration and merging time. As SLAs are playing a role here, we can calculate how long it takes for a feature request to be part of the source code and then later, there is a time to deploy that functionality or fix that in production.

Some examples of this analysis could be the questions of how fast the requirements are implemented, for example the best 50% or 80% of them and if the community is able to reduce that time over time. It is also possible to split this process into its several phases such as feature request, backlog, developing process, code review process, continuous integration, merge into master, more continuous integration and later deployment in the customer. And thanks to this split, it is possible to look for bottlenecks.

As an example, let us consider the code review phase. There are two roles playing here: the submitter and the reviewer. And we can split the time that a reviewer and a submitter is spending on their specific tasks. Thus, there is a time waiting for a reviewer action (typically the code review action) and the time waiting for a submitter action (typically when the reviewer asked for some modifications of the pull request).

If it happens that the time waiting for a submitter action is too high, the community may need to emphasized training actions on those newcomers or developers. But if the time waiting for a reviewer action is the one increasing over time, then the community may have a look at some actions that will help to reduce that time. For example, they can vote other developers to be code reviewers, or being more precise in the requests than to the submitters.

Contributors Funnel

This analysis is focused on understanding how long it takes for a developer in the InnerSource community to become a developer or a core reviewer. Communities can be seen as onions where there are several layers. Those purely acting as end users. Those users that when they find a bug, this is reported to the community. Those that report the bug and send a pull request. And finally the development team that could participate in the community occasionally, regularly or as core developer.

The usual proportion of these communities, at least in open source, are following the distribution of 80% of the activity is done by a 20% of the developers. It is expected that InnerSource communities follow the same distribution as the development process is open within the organization. Thus, the mentioned roles such as pure end users or core developers will be also found.

Coming back to the analysis, the contributors funnel analysis aims at understanding how much time it takes for a developer to become a contributor of the InnerSource project. From their first traces asking for a feature request in a mailing lists or opening a bug report, till the point in time when they commit or review their first piece of code.

Indeed the goal of this analysis is to bring to context how good the community manager, mentors and other roles are performing with this respect.

This also helps to understand what percentage of contributors or users are finally committing a piece of code, and what percentage of those become trusted committer after a while.


Attraction and retention of new members. As InnerSource method evolves within an organization, it is expected that developers will work on other projects not directly related to their business units. Those participating for their first time will be part of the attraction rate of such community. Those that are still contributing in that project will be part of the retention rate. And those leaving the community after a while will be part of the developers that were not retained.

The ideal goal of any project is to attract as many as possible, retain all of them so nobody leaves the community. But this does not take place. Turnover is an inevitable situation and projects, business units and organizations have to deal with it. However it is possible to measure the engagement of the community and how specific policies help to attract and retain more developers than others.

That attraction and retention rate could be affected by other variables such as the programming language, people in the project, rewarding process and others.

Some specific questions in this analysis are related to how comfortable developers are in the business unit or in the organization, and will help to improve the process to attract and retain the best of them. How good is the project or community retaining developers? How far is this community from the community performing the best? Do we know the reasons why developers left the community? And if so, are we applying some actions to let them know that they are precious for the community?

The more the metrics we have, the more understanding the project will have about it. This could be also seen as a way to measure neutrality and transparency within a project and across several business units and the organization in general.

Break Silos

This concept is linked to large organizations that have several development teams and those are geographically distributed. Developers in different silos do not know what others are doing and can not interact with other developers out of their own silo.

Silos are also an effect of hierarchical organizations where only management on the top of the silo what others are doing. This can be even seen in development teams in the same silo where project members depends on middle management and that roles control all of the information.

Spreading the Knowledge

As silos are broken and the structure becomes flatter, the knowledge should be shared across the organization. Developers come to a new project, they contribute and they gain knowledge about how to proceed, the mission of such project, idiosyncrasy, infrastructure, etc. And Those interactions can be measured thanks to the traces left in the several data sources.

For instance, developers working in the same file, may have different knowledge of the library, but there is a link between those: that piece of source code. Those acting as mentors and those being mentored also builds their own specific social network.

Some specific metrics of interest here are those related to the analysis of how the knowledge becomes something popular in the sense of people contributing to the several repositories of information. As an example, the territoriality can be used to understand how lonely are developers when working. Areas of the code highly territorial may mean that no contributors are helping there. And we need to understand the reason for this: spaghetti code, complex functionalities that requires a depth understanding of what is being developed, etc.

Other ways to measure how the knowledge is flowing around the community is analyzing the orphaned code left by those leaving the project. Is someone maintaining that area of the code? Are there others in charge of such piece of code that previously participated? What are the usual areas of knowledge of the different core reviewers where they participated?

And finally, usual metrics such as betweenness may help to understand key players that have knowledge across several projects. Those linking two nets are those that help to move knowledge from one community to the other.

Middle Management cultural change

Silos lead to middle management as those are in charge of filtering and controlling that the developer teams reach some specific deadlines and goals. However, activities among teams are not fostered with a lack of dynamism that affects other areas of innovation in the company as people tend to focus on the work their being paid for, and not others work.

In addition, this role in organizations have reached their position in a hierarchical way and this is how this is expected to work for others willing so scale in the hierarchy.

However, InnerSource aims at fostering developers to developers relationships (D2D) and not manager to manager (M2M) relationships as this delays the development process and decision making at the technical level.


And this leads to pure scalability. When allowing D2D relationships from any place within the organization, middle management roles tend to re-convert themselves to community managers that foster that type of behaviors, bring hackathons at home and invite third parties to participate in their projects as they participate in others.

Keep Great Developers in House

And having freedom and trust from the organization developers work at is a good complement to feel great at work. Indeed one of the main goals of any organization is to keep their own great developers at home, but also to attract the best developers around the world. This cultural change and way of working help to have developers aligned with the general strategy of the company.

Thus, there are some initial goals to be accomplish within the company: remove silos, reconvert middle management, scale development and have a great development team. Following the GQM approach, this allows us to work on the specific questions we need to answer with this respect.

Allow Innovation in Detail

This follows the detailed GQM approach where each goal may have several questions and each question may have one or more metrics that helps to understand the situation. This also assumes that we are in an organization that already applied InnerSource and wanted to check if the process is leading to an actual improvement in the several detailed goals.

Goal: allow innovation within developers

  • Question: How are developers interacting with other business units?

    • Rationale: innovation is a result of mixing several points of view when resolving issues. Developers from other disciplines or business units will bring ideas that may foster that innovation process.

    • Metric: Number of attracted developers in the several inner source projects

    • Metric: Number of retained developers in the several inner source projects

    • Metric: Number of contributions: commits, wiki editions, emails and others from attracted contributors

    • Metric: Number of trusted committers

  • Question: How are new projects being created within the organization?

    • Rationale: the creation of new projects is the result of allowing developers to feel comfortable within the organization. New projects are the consequence of letting them know that they can bring ideas to the core business of the organization.

    • Metric: Number of new projects in the platform

    • Metric: Number of different developers creating new projects

    • Metric: Number of active developers in the last

  • Question: Are incubation projects gaining traction within the organization?

    • Rationale: As incubated projects need some process to become mature ones, this is related to the activity in the incubation side of the InnerSource program.

    • Metric: Number of new incubating projects

    • Metric: Number of incubated projects became official ones

  • Question: How many new technologies have been introduced in the organization?

    • Rationale: it is representative the PayPal case[^7] where used to work in a specific programming language. But innovation came from new developers introducing JS and saving hundreds of lines of code.

    • Metric: Number of new programming languages

    • Metric: Number of new open source libraries introduced in the development

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